Guide to Crystals

Basic notions for those approaching the world of crystals

How to choose a crystal

In addition to reading the properties, choosing the "right" crystal can be done in several ways. One of these is by resonance, that is when you feel particularly and instinctively attracted to a crystal for no apparent reason. This means that our energy balance is in harmony with that type of crystal. Likewise, even stones that do not attract us or for which we feel a sort of repulsion can indicate to us the qualities that we need to work on in the future when we are ready to welcome that type of energy. Another way that helps us choose a crystal is through sight, therefore observing the color and/or shape that most attracts us. The colors of the stones are associated and work on the 7 main Chakras. Feeling interested in one color rather than another can tell us which of our Chakras are in balance or unbalanced. In addition to sight, the choice of crystal can be done through touch. In fact, by trying to touch different stones, they could arouse some sensations such as heat/cold, slight tingling, shivers down the spine, pulsation or a state of peace. All signs that indicate the most suitable crystal to carry with us.

Know the basic properties

It is not necessary to know exactly all the specific properties of each stone, but it is possible to orient yourself in the choice by observing its color and knowing its meaning. • Purple or transparent stones: mental clarity, spiritual connection and well-being, energetic protection. • Blue/light blue stones: intuition, calm, peace, empathic communication. • Green stones: change, healing, balance. • Pink stone: love, empathy, emotional healing. • Yellow/red stones: self-esteem, vitality, creativity, joy. • Brown stones: willpower, determination. • Black stones: energetic protection, grounding.

Purify and Recharge crystals

Most common methods for your crystals care
• DISCHARGE: when a stone reaches us for the first time, it is important to eliminate the static electricity that has accumulated during its handling and transport. To do this, simply wrap it in a white cloth and place it in contact with some soil (that from a vase is also fine) for the necessary time. • PURIFY: After a certain use, the stone must be purified to eliminate unwanted vibrations that it has absorbed. For more intense purification, place the crystals in direct or indirect contact with coarse salt (not all stones are suitable). Or for a simpler purification, use natural incense fumigation where each side of the stone must be in contact with the smoke emanating from it. • RECHARGE: after purification, it is necessary to recharge and restore the stones of their "neutral" energy. For example, expose the crystals to sunlight, preferably at dawn or dusk (great for all red/brown stones, but avoid this method with quartz). Or expose to moonlight during the period of waxing moon or full moon (this is fine for all stones). Alternatively, use a druse (the Amethyst one is very common) or a Selenite slab, on which to place the stones to be recharged.

Segni Zodiacali

Pietre associate ad ogni segno dello Zodiaco
La premessa è che non esistono pietre universali che si adattano per forza al segno zodiacale a cui vengono associate, poiché ogni persona dello stesso segno è diversa e bisognerebbe considerare diversi fattori, come il proprio tema natale. Tuttavia, è possibile ricondurre una o più pietre in base alle caratteristiche "tipiche" di ogni segno zodiacale. Questa lista può essere utile da consultare quando si vuole fare un regalo ma si hanno pochi elementi per la scelta della pietra più "adatta".
· ARIETE: coraggioso, dinamico, intraprendente. Ma anche impulsivo, impaziente e competitivo. ➝ Pietra associata: DIASPRO ROSSO · TORO: stabile, pratico, leale. Ma anche testardo, materialista e resistente al cambiamento. ➝ Pietra associata: SMERALDO o AVVENTURINA · GEMELLI: estroverso, intelligente, socievole. Ma anche superficiale, instabile, incoerente. ➝ Pietra associata: AGATA o OCCHIO DI TIGRE · CANCRO: protettivo, empatico, intuitivo. Ma anche lunatico, pessimista, nostalgico. ➝ Pietra associata: PIETRA DI LUNA o OPALE · LEONE: carismatico, generoso, creativo. Ma anche egocentrico, dominante, orgoglioso. ➝ Pietra associata: PIETRA DEL SOLE o AMBRA · VERGINE: precisa, analitica, affidabile. Ma anche critica, preoccupata ed eccessivamente meticolosa. ➝ Pietra associata: CORNIOLA
· BILANCIA: equilibrato, esteta, diplomatico. Ma anche indeciso, dipendente dagli altri e che evita i conflitti. ➝ Pietra associata: QUARZO ROSA o MALACHITE · SCORPIONE: appassionato, carismatico, intuitivo. Ma anche geloso, vendicativo, instabile. ➝ Pietra associata: GRANATO · SAGITTARIO: ottimista, avventuroso, onesto. Ma anche irresponsabile, eccessivamente impulsivo e insensibile. ➝ Pietra associata: TURCHESE · CAPRICORNO: Ambizioso, responsabile, disciplinato. Ma anche rigido, severo, workaholic. ➝ Pietra associata: OSSIDIANA NERA · AQUARIO: innovativo, indipendente, creativo. Ma anche distante, testardo, egoista. ➝ Pietra associata: AMETISTA · PESCI: spirituale, empatico, intuitivo. Ma anche suscettibile, pessimista e indeciso. ➝ Pietra associata: ACQUAMARINA